Scientific activity


Nota bene: Alexandre Rodichevski has also been transliterated into A.V. Rodishevsky.

  1. A.V. Rodishevsky, V.V. Savel'ev, Phase method of surface tension determination, Patent for invention SU 1264686 A (1984).

  2. A.V. Rodishevsky, V.V. Savel'ev and V.B. Cherepanov, On threshold of parametric excitation of waves on surface of liquid, Zhurn. Prikl. Mech. i Tech. Fiz. (Journ. of Appl. Mech. and Tech. Phys.) N 4 (1988).

  3. S.A. Babin, V.I. Donin, A.V. Rodishevsky, and D.A. Shapiro. Coulomb broadening of a Lamb dip of an Ar++ laser. Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15(6) 1261-1269, 1988. [Sov. Journal Quantum Electronics, 18 (6) 796-801 (1988)].

  4. A.V. Rodishevsky and D.A. Shapiro, On application of maximum-likelihood method to statistical processing of physical experiments, Pre-print N 372 IAE, Novosibirsk (1988).

  5. E.V. Podivilov and A.V. Rodishevsky, Estimation of direction of traveling wave, The XV Conference on Statistical Hydroacoustics, Vladivostok (1989).

  6. A.V. Rodishevsky, D.A. Shapiro, Application of maximum-likelihood method to physical experiments. Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (USA), 1996.