Scientific activity
Nota bene: Alexandre Rodichevski has also been transliterated into A.V. Rodishevsky.
A.V. Rodishevsky, V.V. Savel'ev, Phase method of surface tension determination, Patent for invention SU 1264686 A (1984).
A.V. Rodishevsky, V.V. Savel'ev and V.B. Cherepanov, On threshold of parametric excitation of waves on surface of liquid, Zhurn. Prikl. Mech. i Tech. Fiz. (Journ. of Appl. Mech. and Tech. Phys.) N 4 (1988).
S.A. Babin, V.I. Donin, A.V. Rodishevsky, and D.A. Shapiro. Coulomb broadening of a Lamb dip of an Ar++ laser. Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15(6) 1261-1269, 1988. [Sov. Journal Quantum Electronics, 18 (6) 796-801 (1988)].
A.V. Rodishevsky and D.A. Shapiro, On application of maximum-likelihood method to statistical processing of physical experiments, Pre-print N 372 IAE, Novosibirsk (1988).
E.V. Podivilov and A.V. Rodishevsky, Estimation of direction of traveling wave, The XV Conference on Statistical Hydroacoustics, Vladivostok (1989).
A.V. Rodishevsky, D.A. Shapiro, Application of maximum-likelihood method to physical experiments. Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (USA), 1996.